Fitness trackers

With the landscape of technology evolving every day, it’s no surprise how much it’s been incorporated into every aspect of our lives. Got health goals?  With fitness trackers, you can store, track and analyze data related to your activity patterns. The benefit of seeing data and activity trends can be highly motivating—and can help you attach some rewards to those NSVs... Read More

Move more

Research shows that moving more can have a huge, positive impact on your overall health and happiness. The best part? You don’t have to do all the moving in one big chunk! Split it up over small chunks of your day or week, and your efforts will add up to positive results over time! Your goal is to reach 150... Read More

Make goals you can crush!

Do it all! Dream big!  We’ve all got great, big, shiny intentions. And that’s not a bad thing. But we’ve also got real life happening—sometimes things like sick kids, broken cars, meetings that run late, and not-so-stellar sleeps can alter our very best plans. So, when we’ve got good intentions clashing with real life, how do we set ourselves up... Read More