Carebook is committed to our client and user security and privacy. We have strong corporate values around privacy, ethical collection of data, and use of personal data, and we employ strict adherence to the HIPAA & PIPEDA safeguards.
We take every possible means to keep your data secure.
We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. Your personal information may only be used for statistical purposes and aggregate reporting. No information is ever used that could identify you. We do not sell your personal information for any purpose whatsoever.
One of the services of Carebook is the ability to receive notifications. These communications may be from government or private health organizations, health information providers, and suppliers of medical devices, medications and other health-related products and services. You will only receive such communications if you specifically request the information, and you may cancel such a request at any time. If you do opt in for such communications, the content will be exclusively delivered via your Carebook account and never through a personal email or other address.
You can choose to share your personal and health information with your healthcare providers by setting up specific sharing rules within Carebook. You are solely responsible for the information you decide to share. If you are at all uncertain, you should not share information through Carebook.
Carebook is hosted in a professionally managed, highly secure environment. Connections to the Carebook servers use SSL encryption and authentication, a well-established standard for internet security. All the files and data used by the application are encrypted. Carebook regularly undergoes Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessment conducted by third-party security consultants.
If you have any questions or concerns about privacy of your personal information, or have any other inquiries related to our policies or procedures, please contact our privacy officer.
To access the full version of Carebook’s privacy notice, please click here.