A new approach to a happier, healthier, higher-functioning family
We believe your health (and happiness!) is more than the number on your scale. It’s more than the number of likes you have on Facebook. It’s more than the square footage of space you own or your bank balance.
Carebook believes your family’s health and happiness are made up of eight broad areas. They overlap, intertwine, and impact one another. If your family is doing well in each of these areas, you’ll stay healthier and happier—a #dreamteam family.
We’re human and we’ve got diverse and unique strengths and challenges. So, of course, the goal isn’t to be perfect in all the areas of our health. Rather, it’s to identify that there are many different things that make up your family’s health and happiness. Check in with where you’re at and acknowledge some of the ways you could be taking small steps towards a healthier family unit!
Your bodies—How you eat, move, rest, and feel energized
Your emotions—How you consciously build resilience and feel happy
Your environment—How you care for your environment (in your home and in general) and feel comfortable in your space
Your learning—How much you enjoy learning and being creative—so you feel inspired
Your money—How you budget, know you have enough, and feel secure
Your organization—How you plan time and energy, share the load, and feel in control
Your purpose—How you consciously reflect and feel fulfilled
Your relationships—How you connect (within your family and outside of your family) and feel supported
Each health area intertwines with others. For example, did you know that people who get enough quality sleep have a lower risk of obesity (2)? Did you know that sitting down at your desk all day can threaten your health as much as smoking cigarettes (3)? Did you know people who keep their finances healthy have a lower risk of depression (4)? Isn’t it great to know that one small change you make in one area has the power to create positive change in other areas, too? And of course, this works for families, too. Families who take time to move together might find their relationships getting stronger. Families who take steps to get organized might find they experience less stress, etc.
We don’t think you should jump in and tackle all these 8 areas at once. (In fact, we wouldn’t encourage that at all!) Research says that lasting changes come from small steps over time (1).
Which areas are you already succeeding in? Celebrate those! Which areas do you need help with? Are there small things you and your family can start doing right now to get you closer to your goals?
Knowledge is power! Awareness and exposure to ideas can be catalysts for new habits. So take a bit of time and get to know the different health areas. Our Carebook Facebook page posts short, simple ideas, information, and inspiration. Over time, they might help you decide to make some small changes—individually or as a family. Whenever you’re ready to try tiny actions, we’ve got you covered. Each post will give you information, benefits, and a small action to try. And you don’t have to do it alone—we’re building a community of people like you who believe that many different things contribute to our health and happiness.
IMAGE: It’s time for a new, more holistic perspective about what makes you and your family healthy and happy
Although we encourage you to dive in with curiosity and enthusiasm, know that it’s a long game. Your family was your first “team” and you’ll have them forever. Just imagine if your family makes one small, positive change every month this year! Small improvements could have a big impact on all the areas of your life by the time next year rolls around.
The possibilities for big change are real. And your opportunity to become a happier, healthier, more powerful family unit is right here. All you have to do is take one small step at a time.
References: 1. Lally P, Gardner B. Promoting habit formation. Health Psychol Rev. 2013 May;7(sup1):S137–58. 2. Knutson KL. Does inadequate sleep play a role in vulnerability to obesity? Am J Hum Biol. 2012 May;24(3):361–71. 3. Diaz KM, Howard VJ, Hutto B, Colabianchi N, Vena JE, Safford MM, et al. Patterns of Sedentary Behavior and Mortality in U.S. Middle-Aged and Older Adults: A National Cohort Study. Ann Intern Med. 2017 Oct 3;167(7):465. 4. Richardson T, Elliott P, Roberts R. The relationship between personal unsecured debt and mental and physical health: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Psychol Rev. 2013 Dec;33(8):1148–62.