Research shows that moving more can have a huge, positive impact on your overall health and happiness. The best part? You don’t have to do all the moving in one big chunk! Split it up over small chunks of your day or week, and your efforts will add up to positive results over time! Your goal is to reach 150... Read More
8 Dimensions of Health—Your body
How much effort do you put into taking care of your body? You’re more than the number on a scale, and being healthy is more than the absence of a disease or condition. Keeping your body healthy involves different things like being active, eating a balanced diet, sleeping well, and limiting or abstaining from alcohol, tobacco, and recreational drugs. It... Read More
Celebrate health and fitness!
From weight reduction to an improved sex life, better sleep, and feeling good—regular physical activity can improve almost every aspect of your health and wellness. Physical activity and your heart Studies show regular exercise can help your heart, and can prevent conditions like obesity, high blood pressure, and unhealthy cholesterol levels. When you exercise, you’re helping lower your risk of... Read More