Research says that abstaining from or limiting alcohol consumption is important to help you stay healthy. While some studies show that moderate drinking might have a protective effect on the heart/circulatory systems and may help protect against type 2 diabetes and gallstones, most health risks linked to drinking alcohol (including the risk of many cancers) go up with any amount... Read More
Increase your good cholesterol
Cholesterol is a fat found in your blood. Your body needs it to build cell membranes, make certain hormones, and more. Cholesterol is transported in the blood by LDL and HDL. HDL transports cholesterol to the liver where it can be excreted. That’s why it’s commonly called the “good” cholesterol. By comparison, LDL (the “bad” cholesterol) contributes to the buildup... Read More
It’s not just WHAT you eat, it’s HOW you eat!
How does Canada’s New Food Guide affect you? With a new look and simplified recommendations, the new Food Guide may inspire you to make some healthy changes—not just what you eat, but how you’re eating, too! What’s changed? As always, the Food Guide encourages Canadians to focus on getting lots of fruits and vegetables. But this update has taken the... Read More
Tiny habits for lasting change
What’s a habit? A habit is your brain’s way to automate a behavior. When something is automated, you don’t have to think to do it—and that’s a powerful tool! If you know there are certain habits that you could be doing that will get you closer to your goals, making them automated will make things so much easier! How do... Read More
For patients who want to drink less alcohol
Research says that abstaining from or limiting alcohol consumption is important to help you stay healthy. While some studies show that moderate drinking might have a protective effect on the heart/circulatory systems and may help protect against type 2 diabetes and gallstones, most health risks linked to drinking alcohol (including the risk of many cancers) go up with any amount... Read More
8 Dimensions of Health—Your body
How much effort do you put into taking care of your body? You’re more than the number on a scale, and being healthy is more than the absence of a disease or condition. Keeping your body healthy involves different things like being active, eating a balanced diet, sleeping well, and limiting or abstaining from alcohol, tobacco, and recreational drugs. It... Read More
10 small, healthy habits to add to your life
Do you want to be on a path to greater health and happiness? Set yourself up for lasting success by adding small, healthy habits into your life—over time. And if you’ve got a family, and you start integrating healthy lifestyle changes, there’s a greater chance that your kids will adopt them, too. Here are a few ideas of small (but... Read More
For patients who want to drink less alcohol
Please share with your patients. Research says that abstaining from or limiting alcohol consumption is important to help you stay healthy. While some studies show that moderate drinking might have a protective effect on the heart/circulatory systems and may help protect against type 2 diabetes and gallstones, most health risks linked to drinking alcohol (including the risk of many cancers)... Read More
Guts & Brains! Why your microbiome matters.
Guts & brains—you've got both, so make sure they're working as a team! You have a gut microbiome in your body. It might sound ominous, but it's a really good thing. The gut microbiome refers to all of the microbes in your intestines. These act as another organ—and you need them to stay healthy. In fact, new research suggests that,... Read More