Part of Carebook's Global Blog Series: The Future of Pharmacy Andrew Matthews, a Director at the Australian Digital Health Agency, shares how Australia's future-facing digital health strategy accelerated with the global COVID-19 crisis—and is succeeding with a people-centric approach. "Co-design involves working together to design a new product [or process], making full use of each other’s knowledge, resources and... Read More
Part of Carebook’s Global Series—Building the pharmacy of the future in Europe
Part of Carebook's Global Series: The Future of Pharmacy Carebook's Global Series: The Future of Pharmacy asks, "What's the pharmacy of the future?" Thought leaders around the world share their ideas. In this interview, pharmacist Xavier Schneider in France talks about how COVID-19 is a catalyst for lasting change—and how digital innovation can elevate the profession. Globally, digital pharmacy is... Read More
Digital Pharmacy—Why Design Thinking matters for engagement and innovation
"Creating a digital pharmacy solution with a strong foundation of user insights is critical if you want to build trust and engagement. This is why we regularly test our information architecture, flows, and new concept ideas to make sure real people are truly at the center of the solution." —Andree Laroche, Lead Designer, Carebook. The foundations of Design Thinking, gaining... Read More
Trust and the Impact of AI on Healthcare—Live from CES
We just listened to a great session at CES on how AI requires the trust of people to realize its full potential. Speakers Pat Baird, Sr. Regulatory Specialist-Philips; Christina Silcox, Policy Fellow, Digital Health at Duke-Margolis Centre for Health Policy, and Jesse Ehrenfeld, Chair, Board of Trustees, American Medical Association; all noted the critical importance of excellent transparency, design, and... Read More
Improving health, the global health system, and the bottom line for pharmacies
Taking on health prevention and medication adherence with pharmacy partners using the science of prevention and the art of human engagement. Rising chronic illness rates and an aging population are taxing health care systems all over the world—including in developed countries like the United States, Australia, France, and Germany. The World Health Organization states that “chronic diseases are the main... Read More
Digital Pharmacy—An Economy of Engagement
AN ECONOMY OF ENGAGEMENT—WHAT’S GOOD FOR THE GLOBAL HEALTH CARE SYSTEM IS ALSO GOOD FOR PHARMACIES AND PATIENTS In discussions of global health care, several themes are recurring and persistent. According to the World Health Organization, chronic diseases and conditions are on the rise worldwide. An aging population and changes in societal behavior are contributing to a steady increase in... Read More