Flu stats:
5% to 20%— Percentage of people in North America who get the flu each year.
Person to person—People with the flu can spread it to others up to about 6 feet away. Most experts think that flu viruses spread mainly by the droplets made when people with the flu cough, sneeze or talk.
1 to 4 days —Typical time it takes for flu symptoms to show up once you’ve caught the virus. Adults are most contagious in the first 3-4 days after the illness starts.
Peak flu season: Late November through March
Flu prevention:
- Stay home if you’re not feeling well!
- Wash your hands often
- Use a tissue (or your sleeve it’s all you’ve got!)
- Don’t sneeze into your hands—use your elbow instead
- Avoid sick people
- Get the flu shot every year
- Make sure and stay healthy with a regular 30 minutes of physical activity per day
- Get enough sleep (sleep-deprived people produce fewer virus-fighting cells)
- Disinfect doorknobs regularly (and shopping cart handles, etc.) to get rid of influenza virus and other germs
Flu vaccine facts & myths
MYTH: The flu shot can give me the flu
FACT: Flu viruses in flu shots are inactive—they can’t cause infection
MYTH: It’s better just to get the flu rather than get a vaccine
FACT: Getting the flu shot may help reduce illness and prevent sick time from work
MYTH: I should wait to be vaccinated so I’m covered the whole flu season
FACT: Get a flu shot as soon as it’s available because it takes about two weeks for antibodies to develop
MYTH: Vaccines aren’t proven to prevent the flu
FACT: If you get the flu vaccine, you’re about 60% less likely to need treatment for the flu
Flu symptoms
Cold vs. flu
Cold: loss of appetite, sore throat, sneezing, cough, vomiting
Flu: muscle pain, high fever, headache, fatigue, chills
Got the flu?
“I think I have the flu, but I can’t miss work. I’ll be okay.”
If this is you, before you dig in and try to get through a work day with the flu, consider this: By spreading your germs (especially if you have a fever!), you could be putting others at risk. If you’re sick, stay home!